Software Tech

Microsoft To Do tips and tricks

Do you want to improve? A well-organized task list is essential. These are just a few suggestions that may be useful.

Is your to-do list actually helping you get things done? What are your thoughts? Does it make deciding what to do first easier? Is it a list of things you don’t want to do because they will make you feel horrible if you don’t? Making use of useful to-do lists is beneficial.

The finest to-do lists pull you out of bed and tell you what’s most essential, allowing you to make the most of your day. Microsoft To Do lists can help you get more done if used correctly. Use these easy ideas to make your to-do list work for you.

1. Choose the right app

First, decide where you’ll save this list. To-do lists and notepads are useless if you don’t like using them.

You can use an app to store your to-do list, but you don’t have to if you like paper. What if I told you that paper works really well? Great. Spreadsheets created in Word or Excel operate perfectly. Use what works best for you.

You should be aware that digital to-do lists offer several advantages over paper ones.

  • reconfigurable, allowing for fast modifications
  •  Pre-programmed hints
  • Cloud-stored lists are incredibly tough to lose.
  • Sort tasks alphabetically, by importance, or by the due date.
  •  You can assign tasks and be alerted when they are completed.

What is the greatest app for managing your to-do list? Obviously, the answer is Microsoft To Do. Explore more features of the app, find out different tips and tricks and you will agree that it has distinctive benefits over the paper.

2. Don’t postpone jotting down your tasks

Write down everything that has to be done as quickly as possible. You are less likely to become stuck on your tasks if you write them down straight immediately. You are not required to recall what you wrote down. This allows you to put your intellect to better use.

Learn how to use a keyboard shortcut to add new items to your task list. Create an app shortcut for mobile devices.

While working, you might jot down any thoughts that come to you on a piece of paper. You may add them to your usual to-do list.

3. Assign Due Dates

Set a deadline date or time range for the task. Due dates make it simple to determine which duties must be completed first.

A deadline is not necessary for all jobs, although it can be useful in some instances for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of list style, most to-do applications display tasks for today, tomorrow, and the next week. You will be able to see what is required right now and devise a strategy. If you believe you will be too busy, postpone some of your future responsibilities.

The second piece of advice is to set a deadline for each job.

Using Microsoft To Do, here are the steps:

1. The select task to see the details.

2. Then choose Add due date. You can use today, tomorrow, next week, or any specific time you choose.

4. Manage To-Do Lists Daily

Start each day by going over your to-do list. Revise.

You set yourself up for failure if you try to achieve too much in one day.

In Microsoft ToDo, you can select the task and type the revisions easily.

5. Don’t overcrowd the tasks

What do you get each day? It all depends on what has to be done and how difficult it is.

Begin by making it a daily habit to do three to five cleaning activities. Making a list of the three most critical things to do each day may be sufficient.

Is there anything more you want to say? If you have too many things to accomplish, postpone some of them until later. Rearranging and rewriting your priority list is a waste of time and makes you unhappy.

Smaller projects are simpler to do. You’ll feel better about your to-do lists as you complete them. Positive emotions may help things move ahead.

Without them, these three to five duties should not be achievable. Two of them must be done on a daily basis, such as when you take your medication. Every day, set a goal for yourself. Consider this:

1. Keep note of how many of your daily duties you do over time if it is not between 3 and 5.

2. Microsoft To Do tracks how many things you complete each day and week. Although you can add more tasks, limiting them will give you more room to breathe.

6. Keep Goals and Objectives Separate

In an ideal world, your daily activities would be more meaningful if they were part of something larger. Your objectives do not need to be written down, but you should be aware of them.

You may instead record them. Not on your to-do list for the day, but in your application or notebook. You may also use a note-taking app or a notepad to keep track of long-term goals.

You should review your objectives on a regular basis. Alter them Make sure they don’t get in your way.

7. Check your lists often

It’s critical to keep track of what you’ve already seen. A planned list of things to do can help your day run more smoothly. It helps you prepare your thoughts for the day ahead. Check it out after lunch to see what more you can accomplish. You should make up any missing duties at the end of the day.

Examine your calendar for the coming week so that you can be prepared and adaptable.

When you need a break from your job or are overburdened, check through your to-do list for fast and easy tasks.

If you utilize your list, you will have greater trust in it. When you trust it, you will notice that you forget things less frequently. When you have fewer things to remember, you can concentrate on what you’re doing right now.

8. Make your lists skimmable

When you check your to-do list on a regular basis, you’ll notice how convenient it is to have everything in one spot.

Consolidate your errands. Microsoft To Do may employ priority ratings, stars, tags, and other sorts of data to emphasize critical actions. Give each of your duties a distinct color if it helps. Use a symbol if a task requires a phone call or is related to health care. You could learn something beneficial from your to-do list, no matter how quickly you read it.

By Maria Tsekova

Maria Tsekova has worked in several IT companies for the last 8 years. Her experience contributes to her knowledge of different fields. She is most interested in new technology trends following the last brands on the market, listening to webinars, and be in touch with people from the corporate environment.